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The Best Ways to use Flyers to Promote your Business

by Marketing Marine
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The best ways to use flyers to promote your business

Flyers – As a marketer, you’d know how important flyers are for marketing. But how they’re used is actually what makes a dent in your company’s sales. Here are the best ways you can harness the power of flyers.

Flyers are one of the best ways to advertise your brand and products. But it’s not as simple as printing out a poster and sticking it to a wall. That’s an obsolete way of trying to lure in customers. Instead, flyer marketing should be tactful, and there are many ways you can make the best use of them to get your brand recognized and expand your customer base. In this blog, you’ll learn all the right ways you should use flyers.

Hand out Flyers to a Targeted Audience

Instead of sticking small business flyers on some wall and hoping people see it is how most laymen assume flyer marketing works. However, that won’t work unless you try a more targeted approach. Physical flyers can only work if you hand them out to a very targeted audience. For example, if you’re hosting a business conference, you can hand out flyers to the people who attend. That way, the flyers only go to people who matter.

Similarly, if you have a customer-focused business like a retail store, you could put up or hand out posters to customers that come to your shop. For instance, a customer who has come to buy groceries can see a poster in a certain section that you’re offering a discount on a washing machine or any other item. So, even if they don’t visit that section of the store, they’ll know about the discount.

Use Digital Signage

Putting up your flyers on a screen is not only effective in the sense that it grabs the audience’s attention but also that it’s cheap. You don’t have to print out hundreds of flyers and then a hundred again the next month if you want to change anything on it. Instead, you could just put it up on a screen in a mall near your shop and tweak the information on the flyer via your computer.

Moreover, screens attract people more than physical papers stuck on the wall. If you’re using digital signage, we recommend putting up more than a static small business flyer but rather a custom slide show containing your business hours, the services you offer, and any running discounts. Use a graphic design tool like PosterMyWall, which has multiple business hours templates and much more, to craft each flyer in a few clicks.

Flyers on Emails Generate Leads

If you’re going the email marketing route, you must know that an email with blocks of text will immediately be tossed in the trash folder. People don’t have time to read paragraphs, especially in emails. That’s why your emails should have flyers in them. A flyer is compact and visually appealing. People would rather read a visual poster that pops out on their screen.

However, make sure the poster is optimized for both desktops and phones. Most often, marketers forget to optimize them for phones, and the poster dimensions get warped and distorted. That’s important because most people check their emails on their phones nowadays.

Use a Flyer on your Website to Promote a Discount

Your website is the easiest access point for potential customers. Anyone remotely interested in getting your products or services will check out your website first. If you’re running a limited-time discount, putting a discount flyer up there is the best way to spread the word. The poster should appear as soon as someone visits your website, with an ‘X’ button at the top-right to close it.

It should include all the relevant about the discount you’re offering. Mention the % discount on an item or a series of items, till when the discount is valid, how a customer can redeem the discount or anything else you deem relevant that customers should know. Also, make sure the poster reflects your brand identity. If you’re a luxury brand, the digital flyer should portray that.

Social Media can get you a lot of Traction

Lastly, you can post your flyers on social media because that’s where most of your potential customers are hanging out. The bottom line is you should advertise your brand on a platform where you’ll find your target audience. We recommend Facebook and Instagram as they’re the most-used platforms on the planet, but if you’re a recruitment agency, LinkedIn would be more suitable.

You can join multiple pages and groups on Facebook and post your flyers there. On Instagram, you’ll have to post it on your business page. The trick to utilizing social media is churning out valuable content regularly and keeping the audience engaged. Once you get enough traction, posting flyers will bring more customers to your doorstep.

A Final Word

Flyers are undoubtedly the best way to market your products and services. However, it would be best if you tailored them to your target audience. Make sure you segment your audience into categories and make a flyer for each to get the best results.

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