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What is Forex, and How does it Work?

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What is Forex, and How does it Work?

Forex (also known as FX) is short for Foreign Exchange and describes converting one currency into another. With a trading volume of over $ 5 trillion per day, the forex market is one of the world’s most heavily traded financial markets. Please take a closer look at everything you need to know about Forex, including how to define Forex, how to trade it, and how leverage trading works in Forex.

What is Forex Trading?

The forex or foreign exchange market can be explain as a network of buyers and sellers who transfer currencies to one another at an agreed price. It is the process by which individuals, corporations, and central banks exchange one money for another. If you’ve ever traveled abroad, then chances are you’ve made a foreign exchange transaction before.

While many currencies are used more for practical purposes, most currency conversions are complete to make a profit. The amount of money converted daily can push the rate development of some currencies extremely volatile. This volatility can make forex trading so attractive to traders: It offers a greater chance of high profits, but at the same time, increases the risk.

How do Currency Markets Work?

In contrast to stocks or commodities, foreign exchange trading does not occur on stock exchanges but directly between two parties on an OTC (over-the-counter) market. The foreign exchange market operates by a global network of banks spread across four major foreign exchange trading centers in different time zones: London, New York, Sydney, and Tokyo. Since there is no central office, you can trade Forex 24 hours a day.

There are three forex market segments:

  • Forex Spot: In Spot Forex, we are dealing with a physical exchange of currencies that takes place at a specific point in time after the trade has been executing – i.e. ‘on the spot’ (immediately) – or within a short period afterward
  • Forex Forward: In a transaction on the forward currency market, you buy or sell a certain amount of currency at a set price. However, the contract can either be concluded at a specified time or within a period in the future
  • Forex Futures: In a future currency market transaction, you buy or sell a certain amount of currency at a specific price on a particular date in the future. Unlike forwards, futures contracts are legally binding

Most traders who speculate on Forex rates will not want to own the currency themselves physically. Instead, they make exchange rate forecasts to take advantage of price movements in the market.

What is a Base Currency?

A base currency is the first currency quoted in a forex pair, while the second currency is known as the quote currency. Forex trading always involves selling one currency to buy another, which is why it is quoted in pairs – the price of a forex pair is how much one unit of the base currency is worth in the quote currency.

Each currency in this pair is lists as a three-digit code, usually made up of two letters representing the region and representing the currency itself. For example, EUR / CHF is a currency pair that involves buying the euro and selling the Swiss franc.

To keep things organized, most providers break the pairs up into the following categories:

  • Major Currency Pairs. The seven currencies that makeup about 80% of global forex trading are defining as major currency pairs. These include EUR / USD, USD / JPY, GBP / USD and USD / CHF
  • Minor currency pairs. Pairs that are less traded are known as minor currency pairs. These often contrast other major currencies, but without the US dollar. These are for example: EUR / GBP, EUR / CHF, GBP / JPY
  • Exotic currency pairs. An important currency against one from a small or emerging economy. For example: USD / PLN, GBP / MXN, EUR / CZK
  • Regional criteria sort currency pairs. Couples classified by region – e.g., Scandinavia or Australasia. Contains: EUR / NOK, AUD / NZD, AUD / SGD

What Moves the Forex Market?

The forex market is made up of currencies from around the world. It can make it difficult to forecast exchange rates, as many factors can contribute to possible price fluctuations. However, like most financial markets, forex trading is primarily drive by supply and demand. It is therefore always essential to gain an understanding of the influencing aspects that can trigger price fluctuations.

Central banks

The supply is control by the central banks, which can regularly announce measures that will significantly impact the price of their currency. With quantitative easing, for example, increasing the amount of money in an economy results in decreased currency value.

News and economic data

Commercial banks and other investors tend to invest their capital in economies that have good credit ratings. These are generally view as more secure investments than countries with lower credit ratings. So when positive news about a particular region hits the markets, it will encourage investment and increase the demand for that region’s currency.

Unless there is a parallel increase in supply for the currency, the imbalance between supply and demand will increase its price. Similarly, negative news can cause investments to lower the price of a coin. Because of this, currencies generally reflect the economic health of the region they represent.

Market sentiment

The market sentiment that so often emerges in response to the latest economic data and news can also play an essential role in determining currency rates. When traders believe that a currency is steering in a specific direction, they will act accordingly and convince others to follow suit by increasing or decreasing demand.

How does Forex Trading Work?

If traders believe that a currency is heading in a specific direction, they will want to set up their trading positions accordingly. They may want to convince other traders to follow a similar strategy. Such an approach would increase or decrease the demand. Traditionally, many foreign exchange transactions are through a forex broker. However, with the rise in online trading, you can take advantage by trading in forex with 360capitalltd.com that offers trading access to major, minor, and emerging pairs 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

CFDs are leverage products that allow you to open a position for a fraction of the total trade value. Unlike unlevered products, you do not own the asset yourself but rather state whether you believe the market will increase or decrease in value.

While leverage products can quickly multiply your profits, they can also increase losses when the market turns against you.

Forex Spread Explained

The spread is the difference between the buying (bid) and selling price of an asset in the financial world. Like many other financial markets, the forex market offers you two prices when you open a position. If you want to open a long post, trade at the buy price (bid price). Which is slightly higher than the current market price. Suppose you’re going to open a short post, trade at the selling price, also known as the asking price. It is a little below the current market price.

Forex Lot Explained

Currencies are trades in lots – this is a specific number of units of a traded asset, that is, currencies used to standardize foreign exchange transactions. Since foreign exchange trading tends to move in small quantities, the lots are usually huge. A standard lot consists of 100,000 units of the base currency. Since individual traders do not necessarily have 100,000 Swiss francs that they have to place on every trade, almost the entire forex market is using.

Forex Leverage Explained

With a lever, you can increase your exposure to the market many times without spending additional investment capital. Instead, you make a smaller deposit, also known as margin. When you close a leverage position, your profit or loss will be base on the total size of the trade.

While leverage increases your profits, it also carries the risk of increased losses, including those that can exceed your margin. To use leverage trading safely, it is therefore essential to learn how to manage your risk.

Forex Margin Explained

Margin is an integral part of leverage trading. The term is use to describe the initial deposit you make to open and maintain a leveraged position. When trading Forex with a margin, keep in mind that your margin will vary depending on the broker your trade size. The margin is usually express as a percentage of the total position.

For example, trade on EUR / CHF might only require 1.5% of the total value of the position to be paid for it to be opening. So instead of depositing CHF 100,000, you would only have to deposit CHF 1,500.

Forex Pip Explained

Pips are the units used to measure movement within a forex pair. A forex pip usually corresponds to a single-digit direction in the fourth decimal place of a currency pair. So if EUR / CHF moves from 1.13 80 9 CHF to 1.13 81 9 CHF, then it has moved a single pip. The decimal places that appear after the pip are called ” micro-pips ” or sometimes ” pipettes. ”

The exception to this rule is when the quoting currency is a quote in much smaller denominations, the most notable example being the Japanese yen. Here a movement in the second decimal place forms a single pip. So if EUR / JPY changes from ¥ 106. 45 2 to 106 yen. 46 2 moves, the currency has only moved a single pip.

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