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What is Inbound Marketing? How does it work?

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Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a strategy based on engaging customers with valuable and relevant content and adding value to every buyer’s journey.

Potential customers find your business through various channels such as blogs, search engines, and social media through inbound marketing.

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What’s the variance between inbound marketing and traditional marketing?

Unlike traditional marketing, inbound marketing does not require the effort to grab the attention of potential customers. By creating content designed to address the problems and needs of your ideal customer, you will attract qualified leads and build your company’s trust and credibility.

The world has changed significantly: people no longer live, work, buy and consume as they did ten or two years ago. However, the companies still intend to promote and sell as they did in 1999. People have radically changed the way they communicate and interact. The Internet and digital communications have created a new space for conversation. Whether you like it or not, traditional marketing as we know it is about to disappear.

People ignore traditional marketing methods like phone calls or TV ads, as you can see from these statistics.

This is where the search for new strategies such as inbound marketing becomes relevant. Inbound marketing is a more effective way to attract, attract, and delight customers.

It’s about unobtrusively offering value instead of traditional advertising, so consumers don’t think the goal is to make sales. With inbound methods, your customers come to you, and with outbound methods, you have to find them. In the first case, the main thing is to create quality content, and in the second – the budget.

What are the stages of the Inbound methodology?

1) Attract:

To generate traffic, you have to use various resources like content marketing, SEO techniques, social media, PPC, etc. It will be improved if you do it according to strategic planning to achieve results.

The idea is not that all users visit your site but that we are focused on reaching those most likely to become potential customers and ultimately satisfied customers. How to do it? To grab the attention of the right customers, you need to offer them relevant content at the right time (that is, they are looking for that content).

2) Convert:

Once you’ve managed to drive visitors to your website, the next step is to convert them into leads. To do this, you need to start the conversation in a way that suits you best, for example, through messages, forms, or appointments. When you connect with your visitors, you must answer all their questions, offer them relevant and valuable content for each of your customers, and continue that communication.

3) Close:

Once you have a database, you must manage your records, integrate them with CRM, and use automation and lead generation tools. In this way, an automated content flow is created that adapts to the user’s purchase cycle associated with evaluating potential customers, determining the right moment to turn them into a customer.

4) Delight:

When you already have clients, you must leave them. At this stage, you must satisfy them, offer them valuable and interesting information, and take care of your potential prescribers to turn sales into recommendations.

Finally, it would help if you remembered that coordination is essential, so everything must be perfectly integrated.

Want to learn more about inbound methodology?

This course consists of 12 video sessions to help you do it at your convenience. You will dive a little deeper into social media, blogging, SEO, email, landing pages, and more! Plus, we invite you to get your Inbound Certification right here.

We’ll send you a personalized badge and certificate. Then you can share it with all your contacts, add it to your resume, and start growing! We also recommend sharing it with all colleagues who might be interested in it!

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