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Top-7 Ecommerce Marketing Strategies Worth Experimenting

by Marketing Marine
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Top-7 Ecommerce Marketing Strategies Worth Experimenting

Ecommerce Marketing Strategies

Ecommerce Marketing Strategies – Did you know that there are about 12-24 million e-commerce sites in the world? In addition, according to the study, “e-commerce sales are expected to be $ 4.5 trillion per year by 2021.”

Ecommerce Marketing Strategies is developing rapidly. It is one of the most competitive and profitable markets that is constantly changing and updating to better adapt to the dynamic needs of its customers. So if you want to revolutionize eCommerce marketing from the start and focus on driving traffic to your products, brand, etc., deep in your brain, you know that you will need to do a little bit of accounting for your business. … But it is straightforward with ERP accounting software. As it will take care of accounting, inventory management, order management, tax management, payroll, banking, and many other business requirements. It supports all day-to-day processes, from registering invoices to creating various MIS reports.

In this blog, we’ll take a look at 7 of the best Ecommerce Marketing Strategies that work wonders for your sales, marketing, and customer service teams. Let’s start.

7 Best Ecommerce Marketing Strategies that have Stood the Test of Time

1. Offer Customer Service a Class Action Lawsuit.

Make no mistake in saying that your eCommerce customers are always online. Shopping behavior and the likes and dislikes of their customers are constantly changing: users shop at 2 a.m., on weekends, and throughout the year, waiting for brands to be available to solve their problems 24 hours a day. It is probably why brands big and small are heading for the “chatbot revolution.”

By introducing intuitive artificial technologies such as chat, chatbot, etc., Brands can solve customer problems, guide users through video chats and chat text messages, recommend products, and promote/cross-sell. Simply put, the basic idea is to always be close to your customer through online and offline communication channels so that you can provide instant and hassle-free customer service.

2. Focus your Efforts on Creating Super Targeted Leads.

In most cases, customers are reluctant to share personal information (other than email identification) unless they see real value in sharing data. And if you keep pushing for information, you risk losing customers and increasing your conversion rate – a big mistake.

Here you can use lead generation questionnaires like the one shown here:

Here’s an example of a lifestyle-driven lead generation quiz from Broad brand launching an entertaining and educational Buzzfeed-style examination:

In terms of benefits, these types of profiles help segment new leads, enable your brand to offer customers personalized and relevant products, and create strategies for future campaigns based on credible real-time data.

Helpful Hint: If you’re going to ask customers for their email address, as well as other details. Make sure you provide a valid and honest reason. Once you have all the data at your fingertips, you can track leads using targeted email marketing campaigns.

If you offer products or services to Business-to-Business (B2B) companies, you can hire a B2B marketing agency to help you create and generate target leads. Remember that the lead-generation strategies of Business-to-Customer (B2C) companies are different from B2B companies. Since you’re dealing with business clients, your e-commerce strategies should be more professional and comprehensive to generate more leads, which a digital marketing agency can help you with.

3. Focus on Recycling Abandoned or Empty Shopping Carts.

Okay, easier said than done; however, e-commerce brands, in particular, should look for ways in which they can better sell to customers without coming across as annoying or annoying. Take Vinomofo, for example:

But that’s not the magic. Notice how the brand speaks of its “big profit” by highlighting the number of bottles sold, the number of satisfied customers. The amount of money saved, etc., to attract users. In addition, you will also find that the same section showcases other incentives that users might be interested in. Such as reasonable offers, free shipping, free returns, and more:

4. Always Strive for Maximum Awareness

It is not known how many brands shoppers encounter daily. Naturally, helping your brand stand out takes a serious and dedicated effort. One of the best ways to maximize awareness is by sending out promotional emails aimed at customers who intend to make a purchase but only need a little nudge from time to time. Take the Glossier brand, which reminds subscribers in a fun and memorable way of your next sales event by sending a calendar invitation:

To reach out to your target audience, you can use email marketing software that will help you manage your newsletters more effectively.

One of the many reasons such a simple yet powerful strategy works is because your customers feel loved, unique, and valued by the brand – a benefit to everyone. If you want to conduct an email marketing campaign, be sure to start a thank you letter to your customers. And then continue with a helpful and precise description of the event. You can also embed a website link in your calendar event and include social media pages to drive traffic to your social media platforms.

Another good suggestion is to use branded merchandise, such as custom keychains, lanyards, wrist bands, or pens. Customers are always looking for freebies or giveaways. So, you can give free caps or any branded merchandise with your brand logo embroidered or printed on it for customers who have reached a certain amount for their order or purchases. You can even use branded merchandise items, like customized shirts, in social media marketing by requesting your followers to post selfies or groupies using your freebies or giveaways. Hosting giveaways will boost brand awareness to a maximum.

5. Close the Gap between Wishlists and Discounts Ecommerce Marketing Strategies

In truth, wishlists are a kind of black hole that customers forget about as soon as they close the website window. However, this should not be the case. You should see this as a window of opportunity to attract highly motivated customers. Sometimes, a small incentive, such as an offer or a discount, maybe all your client needs:

In other cases, you can send an email reminder to inform shoppers that they have forgotten items in their cart. An elegant and roundabout way that is engaging and effective:

In both cases, be sure to use a powerful call to action that encourages. The user makes a purchase and offers real added value in the customer’s eyes.


Learning the top eCommerce marketing strategies could help you attain your sales and marketing objectives. It’s important to think of effective ways to promote your eCommerce. You could achieve this by bringing the gaps in your marketing strategies. Promoting maximum brand awareness, and seeking the help of a digital marketing agency. Once you have discovered the best eCommerce marketing strategies for your business. That is worth experimenting with, you’ll reap long-term fruitful rewards.

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