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Increasing Sales with Influencers

by Marketing Marine
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Increasing Sales with Influencers - Marketing Marine

Influencers – If you haven’t yet taken the plunge into influencer marketing, I suggest 2021 as the year to do it. Because people are more at home than ever, social media has taken over. The effects this has had upon buyer behavior are not likely to change following the pandemic. Online shopping is becoming more popular than ever, and it is likely to continue growing in the future.

What are your Goals?

No matter what your goals may be, an influencer marketing campaign can help you achieve them. With 60% of people discovering new products on Instagram, it is the perfect place to encourage sales. Perhaps you are interested in creating new content or increasing brand awareness. This will result in more sales.

Understanding your goals is the first step. Are you looking to expand your reach to new areas to promote your brand to new consumers? Hence, Are you looking to increase your social media presence by creating more quality content? Are you looking to enhance the brand image? These are important questions. These are important questions to ask.

What can Influencers do to Help?

Influencer marketing is a marketing strategy that has the most success. This is a great strategy that has seen success with big brands and celebrities. Nano and micro influencers may be the best option for you, regardless of your budget or your desire to achieve a higher ROI. It’s easy to see why more brands are turning to these influencers.

The average number of followers for nano influencers is between 1k-5k. This group is well-known for their authenticity, engagement, and commitment. These influencers most likely grew their accounts by sharing something they love. You can access a small group of followers who are engaged. You will find them passionate about their work, which is why authenticity is important. These micro influencers can have as many as 50k followers and similar engagement rates. However, they have more experience and are less popular than those with 5k to 50k followers.

These influencers might have started their account because they love baking and gained followers who enjoy their recipes. You could partner with this influencer if you sell kitchenware to reach a targeted audience with trusting recommendations.

What will they Publish?

There are many social media platforms and media types available. This is the time to consider your goals and target audience. You could consider YouTube or TikTok influencers, but in general, Instagram is the center of influencer marketing. It is a highly visual platform where you will find Instagram influencers from all different categories.

You can post content here as photos, stories, posts, videos, or both through IGTV and IG Live. Also, you can upload videos through IGTV and IG Live. Stories and posts are also available. Each media type requires a different investment due to the amount of time and effort required. Stories are available for 24 hours, require less effort from the influencer and may be more affordable than videos. This doesn’t necessarily mean they are less efficient.

Consider giving influencers a promo code they can share with their followers in order to get a discount at checkout. For example, a micro-influencer could be hired to post a story with captions and a call to actions like “swipe up for shop” or “swipe up for promo code”. With minimal effort, this story could reach 40k people.

Depending on the product you are selling, your goals and your audience, a different platform may be more suitable. For example, YouTube influencers are an incredibly popular choice due to the versatility and creativity of video content.

These types of videos require more time and editing is often required in order to produce high-quality content. For products that require a detailed explanation, review or tutorial, you may choose to collaborate with these influencers. This is a great way to show consumers the product’s benefits and uses. For an extra bit of help, you might want to read about the 8 ways to create video content that stands out.

YouTube allows influencers to promote your product while also including discount or promo codes in the video description.

How to Find the Right Influencers

So, with all of this in mind, you’re probably wondering how to find influencers most suitable for your brand. You can search directly on Instagram. It is best to start looking for influencers among your own followers. This will ensure that you find someone who already has a connection to your brand.

The best way to get the most out of influencer marketing platforms like Heepsy is to use them. You can use this platform to search for influencers by location, followers, or even category. Let’s suppose that you want to increase brand awareness in a foreign location. We’ll search for Spain and work with micro-influencers in the food industry. This is how your search would look:Increasing Sales with Influencers (1)

Keep in mind that even though an influencer may be from this group, that does not mean their followers will also be. These are the key points where audience insights come in handy. You can analyze an influencer’s profile with Heepsy by looking at engagement and authenticity as well as audience insights like demographics and interests.

After your search and analysis is complete, you’ll want to think about getting in touch with influencers. Take the contact information from Heepsy and start making your proposals. Remember to always formalise your agreement so that there are no miscommunications. Consider following an influencer contract template for ideas of what to include.


In conclusion, influencer marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies to drive sales. The overall effect is positive for sales, regardless of whether it’s through content creation or brand awareness. You can create a great campaign with a little help from Heepsy.

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